Enhancing Maternal Care: Non Emergency Ambulance Service for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women should have a go-to option ready to commute to the hospital. Learn about the need and benefits of NEMT services for pregnant women.

During pregnancy, women go through a lot of health challenges, and one of the big problems they face is getting to their medical appointments. The need to visit medical centers for routine checkups and baby appointments is crucial for ensuring the well-being of both the mother and the unborn child. However, due to the lack of reliable non emergency ambulance service options, many women find themselves unable to access the necessary healthcare services. The delay in medical care has an impact on health, leading to severe consequences such as increased maternal and infant mortality rates and compromised overall health outcomes.

In this blog, we will discuss the transportation barriers for pregnant women, explore the potential health outcomes, and the role of non emergency ambulance services in overcoming the problem.

The Need for Improved Maternal Care

Adequate prenatal care is essential to monitor the development of the fetus and detect any potential complications early on. However, due to various factors like transportation issues and limited healthcare facilities in remote areas of Colorado, pregnant women often face delays in receiving necessary care.

Regular ambulance services are there for emergencies and can’t be used for routine checkups. Unfortunately, booking a regular ambulance ride can be very expensive, sometimes costing up to $1300 or even more. This high cost makes it difficult for many people to afford emergency ambulance services. That’s where comes non-emergency medical transportation services come into the picture 

What is Non Emergency Medical Transportation?

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) is a specialized service that focuses on transporting individuals who require non-emergency medical care or assistance. NEMT services offer a range of benefits that are revolutionizing medical transport. They provide tailored transportation solutions for patients who may have mobility challenges or require specialized medical equipment during transit. 

These services ensure that patients can access essential medical appointments, therapies, and treatments on time, contributing to better health outcomes. NEMT also plays an important role in reducing the burden on emergency services by diverting non-emergency cases to more appropriate modes of transportation.

Effects of Limited Non Emergency Ambulance Service on Maternal Health

The absence of non emergency ambulance services can have detrimental effects on the health of pregnant women. Here are some of the key impacts:

Delayed Care: Insufficient non emergency ambulance services can result in delays in transporting pregnant women to healthcare facilities. This delay can lead to complications during pregnancy and childbirth, posing risks to the well-being of both the mother and the baby.

Inadequate Transportation Options: Without access to non-emergency ambulances, pregnant women may have to rely on unsuitable modes of transportation. Overcrowded public transport or private vehicles lacking necessary medical equipment may not cater to their specific needs, further compromising their health and safety.

Missed Appointments and Interventions: Limited non emergency ambulance service can lead to missed prenatal appointments and delayed interventions. Regular check-ups and timely interventions are crucial for monitoring the health of the mother and the baby, detecting potential issues, and providing necessary care.

Reduced Prenatal Care: Transportation barriers can discourage pregnant women from seeking regular check-ups and preventive care. This can result in inadequate prenatal care, increasing the chances of undiagnosed or untreated maternal health conditions.

Increased Risks During Emergencies: When unexpected complications arise, pregnant women may struggle to access reliable transport. The unavailability of non-emergency ambulance services may lead to adverse outcomes for both the mother and the baby.

Advantages of Non Emergency Ambulance Services for Pregnant Women

Non-emergency ambulance services offer numerous advantages for pregnant women, significantly improving their overall care and well-being. Firstly, these services ensure that pregnant women arrive at their prenatal appointments, check-ups, and routine screenings on time. This timely access to healthcare helps monitor the progress of the pregnancy, identify any potential complications, and ensure appropriate interventions are implemented.

Moreover, non-emergency ambulances reduce the risk of complications during transportation. Pregnancy can be a delicate period, and specialized vehicles are equipped to handle the unique needs of expectant mothers. They are designed to offer spacious seating, necessary medical equipment, and a calm atmosphere, reducing stress and discomfort. This can contribute to better health outcomes by alleviating anxiety and promoting relaxation during travel time.

Does Medicaid Provide Transport Insurance?


  • Medicaid has collaborated with multiple Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) providers to guarantee accessible transportation for individuals who require it the most.
  • Medicaid has implemented various transportation programs aimed at enhancing the safety and convenience of pregnant women and new mothers when visiting medical facilities.
  • Medicaid programs ensure same-day NEMT service for patients.
  • As bus transportation is less reliable, Medicaid plans provide access to high-quality car rides that are fully equipped to meet the physical requirements of the patients.

How to Book Non Emergency Ambulance Service with Medicaid?

If you want to get an affordable and safe non-emergency ambulance service using Medicaid, the first step is to apply for Medicaid itself. To become a Medicaid member, you can apply for the Health First Colorado Program. Once you’re accepted as a Medicaid member, you can book a non-emergency ambulance service at an affordable cost or even for free based on the health insurance program you have.

Book Free Non Emergency Ambulance Service With Mountain Taxi

Mountain Taxi is a premium non emergency ambulance service provider in Colorado. If you need to go to the dentist, or therapist or have medical appointments while pregnant, or if you can’t use public transportation for medical checkups, Mountain Taxi is here for you. We offer good-quality and safe rides in high-quality vehicles like Tesla, Audi, Porsche, Toyota, and more. Our goal is to make sure you have a comfortable and secure journey to the medical center whenever you need it.

To book a ride, call us at (833) 686-8294 or fill out our contact form and we will get back to you soon.

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